With the included complete programming environment professionals can develop arbitrary efficient applications. Here a small example:
<body bgcolor=ffffff>
<include src=introduction>
<do action=all>
<table width=90% border=1>
<loop sort=- range=0,10 code=perl>
out "<tr><td><b>$Name</b></td><td>$Score</td></tr>";
if($Score>$max) { $max=$Score; $maxName=$Name; }
Overall: $overall<br>
Highest Score: $max by $maxName<br>
Average: <perl>out $overall/10;</perl>
Black tags are all normal HTML commands.
Red = New, baseportal-specific tags.
Blue = Parameters that influence the execution of commands.
Green = Variables that will be replaced by current data and code that will be executed.
Don't feel discouraged if this looks complicated to you - you can realize quite a number of things with baseportal without programming...